Nimi | Maa | Koko | Hinta | €/l | Tunnus |
Buxton Petrosian 2020 Barrel Masters tölkki | 0.33 l | 17.18 | 52.06 | 946021 | |
Buxton Rain Shadow Imperial Stout 2019 tölkki | 0.44 l | 11.86 | 26.95 | 928731 | |
Buxton Rain Shadow tölkki | 0.33 l | 9.16 | 27.76 | 940018 | |
Buxton Trolltunga Gooseberry Sour IPA tölkki | 0.33 l | 6.19 | 18.76 | 952054 | |
Coors | 0.33 l | 2.59 | 7.55 | 746004 | |
Deya As I Walked Out One Spring Morning DIPA tölkki | 0.5 l | 11.68 | 23.36 | 901148 | |
Deya IPA Do We Have A 3D Asset For the Croc? tölkki | 0.5 l | 11.12 | 22.24 | 949946 | |
Fuller's ESB Extra Special Bitter | 0.5 l | 3.98 | 7.76 | 009376 | |
Fuller's London Porter | 0.5 l | 3.95 | 7.70 | 716436 | |
Fuller's Vintage Ale 2021 | 0.5 l | 8.99 | 17.78 | 701366 | |
Green's Dubbel Ale | 0.33 l | 4.65 | 13.79 | 791814 | |
Green's Grand India Pale Ale | 0.33 l | 4.09 | 12.09 | 749684 | |
Green's Great Discovery Amber | 0.33 l | 4.35 | 12.88 | 944641 | |
Green's Tripel Ale | 0.33 l | 4.90 | 14.55 | 952644 | |
Hofmeister Helles Lager | 0.33 l | 3.75 | 11.06 | 932915 | |
Lyme Bay Traditional Mead | 0.75 l | 15.99 | 21.32 | 787257 | |
Marston's Old Empire India Pale Ale | 0.5 l | 4.59 | 8.98 | 720506 | |
Newcastle Brown Ale | 0.33 l | 3.35 | 9.85 | 750854 | |
North Brewing Invisible Cities Hazy IPA tölkki | 0.44 l | 6.28 | 14.27 | 911375 | |
North Brewing Lost Cosmonauts DDH IPA tölkki | 0.44 l | 5.96 | 13.55 | 717255 | |
21 - 40 / 116 kpl Alkuun EdellinenLoppuun Seuraava |
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